
Friday, August 29, 2014

Quick Trips & Lasting Memories

So I wasn't scheduled for four days of work which means my first instinct was to go to San Diego. We were planning on leaving on a Thursday, but I tricked Jordan and released his shift and we left Wednesday night! SUPRISE! Well we drove, which actually meant Jordan drove and I was crazy doing funny improvs that ride down. You would be surprised by the voices I can make. Jordan doesn't think I'm funny but I at least get a kick out of myself. We actually brought our son with us as well. We wanted him to experience the beach, especially since he had a doctor appointment to get his nuts out the following Tuesday. It was a present. We stopped at In-N-Out in St. George and we had to tie Leo down because he wanted my burger and shake so badly. He is definitely a Hier

On Thursday we met Rick for lunch and Fudruckers which I have never tried. I got a fried chicken thinking maybe this won't make me sick. Unfortunately, anything fried I cannot digest, its a curse. Then we went to look at their rental house in Mira Mesa. They remodeled the whole inside. It looks beautiful. If only Jordan and I could move into it NOW. We then traveled to see Tam and all of her little babies. They are all getting so big the twins are almost as tall as Aubrey. The twins are also such cuddles. For a first we also had to leave a restaurant before we even got our food. The babies were OUT.OF.CONTROL. So we boxed everything up to go instead and put the babies to sleep.
Tam and the twins! 
Friday was the best day ever at the happiest place on Earth. DISNEYLAND. We decided to try something different while we were in Southern California. We got there so early and we were the first in line for Indiana Jones, my favorite ride. Since it was so not busy the first hour I got to go on all of my favorite rides without waiting in any line. We went to Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Carribean, Haunted House, and Splash Mountain. I was in Heaven!!!Honestly we had such a blast. I ended up getting motion sick, which was a buzz kill, but we still had too much fun. We ate at the rainforest cafe, and every time the animals went wild,especially the gorilla, Jordan was like "chill bro". I was really looking forward to my dole whip, but the line was an hour. No ones got time for that. Maybe Christmas time. 

We had to have a beach day so Saturday it was. We all had a lot of fun, relaxing time. Jordan went out to boogie board but the current was so bad I couldn't even make it out the good waves without being pushed a mile down the beach. We put the little twins on the boards and held them on it as the waves came it. I don't know if they liked it or not. Aubrey is still a little scared of the water if no one is holding her but its cute. I successfully put a diaper on a baby and got her dressed. FINALLY!!

My Sweez and I
Everytime we end going to San Diego we never want to leave. It's where we both have always wanted end up. Being with Rick and Toni is always so funny and we love just hanging out with the family. The night before we left I went to bed before everyone else. I woke up at 3am and all the lights were on. I was so confused and surprised that everyone would still be up. I went pee and then got back in bed and outside my door, I hear "Elle" and I thought it was Jordan but it was little Richard. My name has turned into Elle or LoLo around there. He told me that Jeff and Katie had just had their baby and the baby was being life flighted. They got all packed up and were going to drive straight to Utah. Jeff and Katie had their little baby Jeffrey Jr. 11 weeks earlier. He was 2lbs 11oz and already a fighter. So we all headed back up to Utah.
School started and 18 credits wasn't as easy as I thought, but I am passionate about all of my classes. Then we got to meet baby Hier on Tuesday. Seeing how small baby Jeffrey Jr is made me start crying. HE IS A MIRACLE. I guess it changed my thinking very quick on life. I never saw how fragile it could be. I had never gone to a hospital and especially not to see one in the NICU. To see his little lungs moving up and down, him blowing bubbles with his mouth, and even the little cry that would eventually come out. How could something so small be so much like us. To see Jeff, and Katie was so cute. They were so happy. Of course they were scared, but that happiness was definitely overflowing. Such a good thing and good experience for me. Hopefully this weekend we can get some time to come back up. 

On a side note I am really good at making Korean food, I just learned to wear my lab goggles to avoid any burn from spice. I learned the hard way.

First week of school down :) The weather has been amazing with all the storms, I can't wait for fall!! Leo is growing, FAST. I love everyone so much especially my family. So grateful to be so blessed.


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